When you come to our home or scroll through our FaceBook page photos you will likely see most of these items in use. We love the convenience and pricing of Amazon and have used them for many years. We are frequently asked about items and supplies that we use so we put a list together of our regular purchases and will add and update as we find better deals. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases, but doesn’t cost you anything more. I try to find the best products for the lowest prices. Should you have ANY questions about products, just ask!

Below you will also find the link to the puppy food that your puppy has been raised on and sent home with. For more information on why we chose this puppy food please read the blog “Life’s Abundance”.


We could probably “recommend” a LOT more items than this, (you can check the Recommended Items tab (above), but because I send a LOT home in the Puppy Pack, these are just a few things you might like to have on hand.
Hover mouse over item for full description
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