We adore these pets of ours. They are innocent and trusting…and, oftentimes so are we. Its a challenge…Why can’t we all agree on ONE THING to keep our pets healthy and safe? Believe me! I know!!! Between the Vet Office, the local Pet Store, our Breeders (me) and all the other “voices” (on line, my brothers mother-in-laws second neice, you know…). It’s just like everything…there’s a bazillion ways to look at anything. Many people just bury their head in the sand…and then there’s us. The bottom line is that we CARE for these sweet furry family members and we want the VERY BEST for them. So, here we are…knowing that ignorance is NOT bliss! Knowledge is your Power! I want to help you…together we will find the answers YOU are looking for.

The bottom line is that there is a HUGE market for YOUR dollars. Follow the $ trail and keep doing your own research for your beloved family members. Fortune Magazine wrote an article a few years back (2016) on “Pet’s are Basically People” ( http://fortune.com/2016/09/07/pets-are-basically-people/ ) that we are humanizing our pets.

Translation = there is a market for YOUR dollar$.

“Sixty-eight percent of U.S. households, or about 85 million families” (2018)


So what is a person, especially those of us on a tight budget or fixed income to do when we want…need our pets? We need to know where to turn for answers! I agree. Believe me. I have worked inside a Vetrinarian Hospital, I have almost always owned a dog, cat, and other animals. I am right with you. I hope to help bring light to the reasons behind the mysterious challenging opinions vs. facts in the dog and pet industry and empower you to continue being that amazing pet owner I am sure you already are! Join me in exploring topics such as: Food Industry, Grooming, Vaccines, Exercise, Parasite, Flea & Tick Regimes, Insurance, Spaying & Nutering, Therapy Animals, Testing for Health, Loss of a Furry Companion…and so much more!

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